Tuesday, 11 July 2017

What is friendship?

The question came to me today. What is the meaning of friendship?

Ultimately the reason we know others is because of the things we do together, be it through choice, chance or coersion.

My definition: True friendship is a mutual enjoyment of the activities done together.

A true friend will live their lives how they want and allow you to do the same. While coming together mutually, without patronising and without judgement.

Can there be unequal friendships?

Yes, but are they healthy and are they truely a freindship?

I asked my son the question, what is the definition of friendship?

His reply: mutual enjoyment of each other's company.

The conversation led to a more detailed definition as is the complexity of the subject.

Google gives this definition:




noun: friendship

the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.

"old ties of love and friendship"

a relationship between friends.

plural noun: friendships

"she formed close friendships with women"

synonyms:relationship, friendly relationship, close relationship, attachment, mutual attachment, alliance, association, close association, bond, tie, link, union; More

amity, camaraderie, friendliness, comradeship, companionship, fellowship, fellow feeling, closeness, affinity, rapport, understanding, harmony, unity;

intimacy, mutual affection;

cordial relations

"their friendship was based on mutual liking and respect"


a state of mutual trust and support between allied nations.

"because of the friendship between our countries, we had a very frank exchange"


Old English frēondscipe (see friend, -ship).

What are your thoughts? How do you define friendship? Who are you true friends?