Sunday 24 December 2017

Celebrating Christmas and the New Year. Celebrating the Winter Solstice.

Christmas and New year seem redundant to me. Religion has my stories which I believe act as a moral compass in life but what is an atheist actually celebrating when they buy presents and put up a tree?

The 21st of December was the start of the new year for me.

The cold glare of the sun at its lowest point. The long dark nights at their peak.
The wildlife snuggly laying dormant In their burrows just as I wish to do every day under the duvet.

The days, weeks and months ahead will steadily change giving way to a whirlwind romance.

The new life, the fresh fruit, the warm seas, the butterflies, the bees.

Finally the late summer harvest to feed us hard working hungry humans through the next cold winter.

Bring on Halloween and bonfire night, Orion shining bright.