This is a doodle of my Auntie that I drew while on the phone to her. I feel as though I was not thinking while drawing. It came from within.
It is a resemblance but I guess you'd have to know her to agree!
Wall Paintings, Face Painting, Photos & Random Stuff!
This is a doodle of my Auntie that I drew while on the phone to her. I feel as though I was not thinking while drawing. It came from within.
It is a resemblance but I guess you'd have to know her to agree!
I refer to my previous post where I decided to give the no poo a couple more days... I gave it one more day before deciding to wash it. Instead of shampoo I used hand soap with only a few ingredients in and used it mainly near the back of my head and crown near the roots, I could feel it had not washed away all the oils so I was happy to feel fresher while managing not to Strip my hair of oils.
For some reason this made my hair look quite light for the first day and there were more tangles during preening but as of now my hair looks and feels fantastic.
In the days since I lightly washed my hair the build up of sebum has been extremely light.
I brush and preen once in the morning and am happy when I look in the mirror that I can be in public without a hat.
I still get rainwater on my hair as soon as the clouds start producing!
Just wondering how long I can go this time and what difference the hand bar soap will have made to that amount of time?
I am day 12 into no poo. I have got my hair in the rain 3 times as I have hard water and decided not to wash it while in the shower.
For the first time I am starting worry my hair smells and wondering if it is all worth it?
I have my partner smell my hair and he said it just smells like hair. Then said maybe a little greasy but only when you put your nose up to it.
I really want to continue with the experiment as my hair is starting to look good but if it's gonna make me smell I may have to re-think.
I have sprayed some perfume on my hair and will see how the next few days go.....
I am sitting outside school waiting to collect my daughter. I have been wanting to share so much but never knew quite how to articulate it. Not anymore.
I have always wanted to live as close to 'natural' as possible and one of the ways to do this is no poo haircare.
Imo, many humans are obsessed with consumerism and sold what they don't need and that includes some hair products.
The questions to ask:
do I need this? Is there 'a natural' or 'old' way? What is this other way? That last questions could lead many answers, some may be what people have decided are old or natural ways but the actual answer can take a lot of research and some mistakes.
So to get into the nitty gritty, I haven't washed my hair for 8 day. The first 3 days were standard as that is how often I would wash my hair. Days 4,5,6 and 7 were full of embarrassment, shame, should i's, could i's.
I would wear my cap at all times and frantically search how to take care of my hair.
I wasn't about to try egg, cinnamon or witches eyeballs so went for water only. It didn't do anything for the condition of my hair which was very frustrating and further research gave me a possible reason. Hard water! I read rainwater was the answer so while I waited for the next downpour i decided to experiment with preening.
Preening is the act of using the pads of your fingers to move the oil down the hair shaft to prevent build up at the roots and protect the full length of your hair.
The preening helped the condition of my hair. There was less build up at the roots and on day 7 I was confident enough to go out with but hair clipped up. I want to add I do the preening in the evenings.
On day 8, today I noticed the rain. The rain! I ran outside and let my hair soak up this exlixer for hair and when I had finished out came the saucepan, sitting on a pile of sticks and logs from the mulberry bush that had been pruned a few weeks ago.
My hair did look greasy while wet but afterwards, oh the rain water worked. My hair was softer and looked less greasy and today I finally had the courage to go out with my hair down!
I felt amazing, I felt free, I felt empowered, I felt a sense of achievement. I wonder why? Achievement because I persevered and got a result. Free from the constraints of consumerism, and empowered by my courage to face the world the way I have wanted to be.
I have now bought my saucepan collection of water indoors and I tend to transfer It to a spritzer bottle.
My next challenge is to go to work with my sebum flowing locks 🤞
Everyone is different but this is what I have found to work for me, long may it continue.