I refer to my previous post where I decided to give the no poo a couple more days... I gave it one more day before deciding to wash it. Instead of shampoo I used hand soap with only a few ingredients in and used it mainly near the back of my head and crown near the roots, I could feel it had not washed away all the oils so I was happy to feel fresher while managing not to Strip my hair of oils.
For some reason this made my hair look quite light for the first day and there were more tangles during preening but as of now my hair looks and feels fantastic.
In the days since I lightly washed my hair the build up of sebum has been extremely light.
I brush and preen once in the morning and am happy when I look in the mirror that I can be in public without a hat.
I still get rainwater on my hair as soon as the clouds start producing!
Just wondering how long I can go this time and what difference the hand bar soap will have made to that amount of time?
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